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Saturday, June 11, 2005

I feel good (sing to the song) ...I knew that I would...

well, of course I am feeling the GOOD possible symptoms of waiting for implantation to happen....

AF type cramps a little tonight...

Drinking lots of water.....

Brushing my teeth type of gag....

Peeing like every 20 minutes.....


Ok, tivo'd Meet The Faulkers on pay per view tonight so that is going to be my good movie flick of the night..

I watched YaYa sisterhood movie last night and it was good, but did make me have a crying jag or two ... LOL another symptom?

Our TV went out in the living room so dh had to ask my bro and bil to come over and move the tv from downstairs to up here ... after that I offered a beer to bil (bro does not drink) and he called me on the way home and said (bil was not driving) that the beer was a year old by the born on date and we should come over tomorrow and have a celebration / birthday party for the beer tomorrow.. Bahahahahahaa... DH is the one that drinks beer and gosh I can't believe I gave my BIL a year old petrified beer. OMG.. how mortifying is that? What a way to thank him for helping move the tv for us? So in turn , dh offered to help my BIL with his kitchen rewiring as compensation to the bad beer. LOL BIL took him up on it too. too funny.

man, I missed going to yard sales today...

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