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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

17 days and counting

until the end of the pain. Counting down to the day of my surgery for a partial hysterectomy. Sometimes I find myself in denial that I will have this surgery, but after the last 2 days of severe endometriosis pain I am 99% sure I will go through with this surgery. Let me preface this all by saying everyone's pain from ENDO is differnt and I feel that the pain I have for my side of things is a 7-8 amount of pain out of a possible 10 for the worst pain. The last 2 days have been horrible. I know stage 4 endo is the highest you can have(or so they say) and I am at that stage again but in even more pain now than when I had it diagnosed and removed in the previous 3 surgeries. July 99, Oct 00, April 04...stages 4, 3 and 2 removed and this pain I have now is the pain of all 3 of those time periods combined. I can't explain it easily, the pain that is. If you took a rolling pin for cookie dough, added spikes to that roller and then rolled up and down, in and out of my uterus and abdomen, then maybe I can say that is similar to the pain I would compare. I know, call me crazy for that descpription, but it really does hurt like that. So endometriosis is assocatied with back pain... Yup, CHeck that pain. I have had 11 pinched nerves in my back from a car accident back in 1989 and that was very painful, but this pain from the endo is a much different more intense pain that even a massage and or back rub won't cure or ease. My legs become restless with all this abdominal pain too. I know, call me crazy, but it is true.

So yes I am counting the days down to surgery. approx 5 weeks off work. Now to ask for a miracle to come along with this time off work..........

A miracle of an adoption match and placement ... I know, long shot, but hey I can wish for it at least. hehe

I am remaining hopeful that we will have a pain free lifestyle of no endo pain soon, adoption match and placement hopefully in 2006 and a fun summer of camping too!

Blessings to my friends that have all had great news with the adoption front!!!! YEAH. I can't wait to spread the good news.

Cheers to a great weekend and hopefully dry one so I can do some much needed gardening and veggie planting.

If you ever need to ask questions about Endometriosis and infertility, please post and I will get back with you ASAP.

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