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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Doggie Heaven is a happy place in my mind (Lindsey went there tonight)

I have always pictures doggie heaving to be a happy care free frolic filled place for doggies that suffered before they went there. They feel no more pain, they are happy and fulfilled and lay in the grass with their favorite bone to chew on with almost a smile on their face. Wagging their tails at the sight of another fancy free puppy friend.

After preliminary rounds of blood work this morning and another round this evening, our decision to put Lindsey to sleep was set. Doggie heaven is her new residence. Suspected intestinal cancer. We plan on having her cremated.

I am glad she has a fur-sister up in heaven to join along with her 3 other fur-kitty-sisters. I cried, DH cried and even the Vet cried. That really touched me when Dh had asked me after we left if I had seen that the vet was also crying. I had not seen that, but what a caring man he is. Lindsey was in the best possible care over night and now we know she is in a safe cancer free place too.

Give your furbabies a hug from me. We have 2 furdoggies at home that I wonder if they will really miss Lindsey.

Lindsey, thank you for those many years of great joy and rough-housing. I'll never forget your quirks, I'll never forget that you were queen of the furbabies in the house and I'll never forget how you loved being a model big sister to your other sisters

thanks to you all for caring and the notes you left and sent.


Anonymous said...

((((((HUGS))))))))) So sorry about your baby.

millie said...

Lindsey really sounds like an incredible dog. I bet she has the bestest bone ever and is having a fine ol' time with her sisters.

Thinking of you and sending lots of love your way.

petunia said...

It's so hard to lose a faithful friend and part of the family...
sorry you had to go through that and that little peanut won't have the great memories of her that you do....

No Minimom said...

So sorry to hear about your doggie! She sounds like a great furry friend.

Anonymous said...

That is the hardest thing. People who don't have pets don't understand as much, but when you've had a dog or cat for so long, they feel like your kid (and I have kids, too, so it's not a substitute!)

My dog was over 18 when we had to put him "to sleep", but it was still hard. I was surprised by how much I cried. I was very upset.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

Thank you all for your posts. It is really crazy to know she is not at the door to bark at us anymore. She can't fight with the yippy noise making terrier dog next door through the 6 foot fence anymore. I Do miss her, but I know she is in a good place. I keep remembering all the fun camping trips we took, her mothering of the two current pups we have in the house when each came into the family and also how she would enjoy us literally throwing her a bone each time they came in from outside.