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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Although I am not one to celebrate in a church, I am so thankful to God and his blessings in our lives. I pray at home every day and today , Christmas, I am especially thankful for the WHITE CHRISTMAS and my family, Jeff & Julia being here with us to celebrate.

I pray for Julia's birthfamily. I know God will take care of them. I have presents here for them, but have not heard from them to set up a date to meet. I hope we hear from them soon.

My prayers to those that don't have family near or have lost them. My dad is one of them. He has been in heaven for just over 14 years now and I still miss him. Julia and I went in the driving rain yesterday and put a Merry Christmas sign on his grave ... FUN TO THINK today it is covered in SHOW. WOOOOOHOOO. He loved the show.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know you don't have to celebrate in church to be close to God, pray and thank him for things, just knowing he is part of your life, it doesn't matter where you are. I haven't been to my parents grave-site in years, lots of years, I probably should take the girls sometime, but I just haven't felt the need to visit.